
The summit will mobilize, sensitize, and promote African arts, Culture, and education through presentations from scholars, Writers, producers, activists, human rights defender, poets, entrepreneurs, Leaders and professional from different sectors that promote a greater knowledge of and respect for the diverse heritage, and contribution of people of African Descent to the development of societies.

The summit will also include performances from legendary African descent artists , exhibitions of products made by people of African descent.

African Descent Summit 2023 will empower the people of African Descent and contribute.
towards the cross-cutting issues in areas of respect, protection and fulfillment of all human
rights and fundamental freedoms by people of African Descent as recognized by universal declaration of human rights.

At the summit, Start-ups, Students, well-established Business Owners, providers of innovative solutions will have a chance to showcase their business effectively and efficiently, more profitably; You would not want to MISS OUT!

At the African Descent Summit, as an exhibitor you will be able to Fulfill your goals through.
exhibit space, promote company awareness; promote brand image and visibility; enter a new market or region; introduce a new product. Enjoy the presence of international journalists and press coverage. At the African descent summit there will be an exhibitor hub. Exhibitors will provide their logos, flyers, videos and any promotional items that best describe the services they offer. Exhibitors can also add promotional offers, coupons and codes to their hub for attendees who visit them.

Exhibitor benefits:

  1. Exceptional occasion to broaden your network and interact one-on-one with, industry.
    leaders, and prospective business partners to expand from your sector through the
    exhibitions Reach every attendee with your company message before, during, and after the summit.
  2. Your company’s logo and profile highlighted on the summit website for maximum web
  3. Exposure in summit program and summit proceedings
  4. Market your organization and technologies to highly targeted audiences of industry
  5. Establish new networks and secure viable prospects for sales
  6. Maximize brand exposure by leveraging the summit as a platform to promote
    developments, products and/or services
  7. Network with key resource buyers, procurement specialists and decision makers
  8. Taking your place now at the African Descent Summit 2023, gives you a competitive advantage. Grab the opportunity to excite people about your products or services during the two days of the summit.

Conference theme

Recognition, Justice and Development for the people of African Descent

Dates of the conference:

21 and 23 July 2023 in Toronto

Objectives and/or purpose:

  1. Increase public awareness and understanding of anti-African Descent Racism in Canada: The awareness to promote resilience of racism and mental health and its devastating impact on the development of people of African Descent Canadians
  2. To be a platform for the discussion and reflection on people of African Descent
    contribution in Canada thus promoting African leadership, culture, Arts, Health,
    Heritage, employment, and sustainable development for people of African Descent
  3. Focus on addressing the needs of people of African Descent in Canada and around the
    globe, fostering the sharing and learning from each other on vast cultural diversity and
  4. To Collaborate with Canada Council on UNESCO to promote General History of Africa
  5. To advocate for full and effective implementation of the commitment made under the
    international decade for people of African Descent
  6. To provide participants with opportunity to expand their leadership skill among people
    of African descent for advancement of opportunities and solutions to conflict and
    challenges we face
  7. To examine, formulate and advocate for key recommendations to be implemented by
    different people, organisations and stakeholders, which once adhered to, would result
    into a better initiative for the future generations of people of African descents in Canada
  8. To provide an enabling environment for people of African descent to meet and generate positive conclusions and potential of people of African descent, showcase the
    innovations, skills, abilities, and talents.


Corporate companies/International Exhibitor With a maximum of 5 participants (Onsite ) : $1500CAD (Open)

  • Local Exhibitors : $ 600 CAD (Open)